2022-2023 Rescue Equipment Catalog

62 1-800-457-3728 2022 | 2023 Rescue 3 provides a globalpres W BOAT Our student support, after the class, We understand that documentation process. We keep all student records to help access those records. Join the more than 750,000 students Rescue 3 International their choice f world leader in technical rescue curric Visit our website (rescue3.com) or give ers a call, and we’ll help you get start continents and in 67 countries. Our manuals have been translated from English into more than a dozen languages. Rescue 3 International draws on experience from a wide range of industries and fields of work. So whether you want an industrial safe working at height course, a course for raft guides and other whitewater professionals or a powerboat course for emergency services, we've got the right course for you and your organization. 62 ROPE There is no denying the relevance of technical rescue training. Videos abound of incidents throughout the world of rescuers getting themselves and colleagues into trouble. Training is vital, but once you decide to train, where do you begin? You begin with Rescue 3 International Working with Rescue 3 International enables you to tap into a worldwide network of accredited Training Providers across the globe. Our certified instructors are rescuers on rivers from the American to the Zambezi. They are Rope Access instructors from Australia to Oregon. Our Rope program was born in The Netherlands and vetted by experts from around the world. Rescue 3 International has Instructors and Training Providers on six of seven CONFINED SPACE