Swiftwater Rescue by Slim Ray
Published by CFS Press. This is the most complete book yet on the theory and practice of swiftwater rescue. Written for the rescue professional—firefighters, park rangers, rescue squad members and other EMS professionals—it provides a complete, comprehensive, up-to-date reference on this important and fast-growing rescue discipline. Covers rescuer safety, swiftwater rescue techniques, rigging, helicopters, and medical. Quality paperback, 245 pages.
Swiftwater Rescue Field Guide by Slim Ray
Every emergency responder needs to have the Swiftwater Rescue Field Guide close at hand. Tough, waterproof and made to fit in a pocket, a glove compartment, or an emergency response pack, this is the ultimate field reference for swiftwater rescue. Topics include: basic rescuer safety considerations, river hydrology, equipment, shore-based, boat-based and in-water rescue techniques, knots, rigging for river rescue, helicopters, incident command, and special situations like low-head dams and flood channel rescues. Written by Slim Ray, author of Swiftwater Rescue and an internationally recognized authority on the subject. 78 pages.